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Lucho Poletti is a visual artist and self-described propagandist who considers it his job to create art to push humanity to think more freely and live more freely. He focuses on spreading truth about control systems in our world and shed some light on what we can do to break free from those invisible chains. Lucho uses two projects to express his artistic ideas: 1) "HODL Crypto" which focuses on conveying important information and striking visuals in support of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency movement. HODL Crypto's mission is to convince as many people as possible about the potential of cryptocurrencies. 2) "Pololitics" which focuses on spreading truth about corruption, media manipulation, propaganda and the divide and conquer tactics used by the powers that be. Pololitics mission is to disturb those who are comfortable with the status quo and what they've been told, and to comfort those who are already disturbed by the world around us with a common voice and visuals to rally behind. Lucho has a background in corporate finance and business analysis but left his corporate career and relocated to Mexico to focus full-time on creating and sharing his art.

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