
Maalexi, is agri-trade fintech, with a cutting-edge risk management platform designed to safeguard payment and performance for small agri-businesses involved in or exploring cross-border trade. Through Maalexi's proactive and robust risk management ecosystem, small agri-businesses gain the tools to expand their sales and purchases across international markets, hence realizing higher income and fortifying global food security. Maalexi effectively mitigates key trade risks in cross-border transactions, that include counter-party, legal, product (quality, quantity and weight), document, delivery, and payment risks. The platform provides peace of mind for small sellers concerned about payment defaults and delays from international buyers, as well as for small buyers worried about defaults or delays in delivery from overseas sellers. Maalexi's proprietary risk data capture and processing tools are enhanced with advanced AI and ML applications, supported by blockchain-based security measures, and seamlessly integrated with risk and trade finance solutions. The platform's high level of risk-automation minimizes incremental transaction costs, allowing users to execute even the smallest trades securely, with comprehensive due diligence and end-to-end visibility. At its core, Maalexi envisions strengthening global food security by empowering small agri-businesses to directly engage in cross-border trade and realize higher income.