
MerchDAO, Limited-edition items designed by you and for you! The first marketplace where you make all the decisions. MerchDAO is the first blockchain marketplace for limited-edition items where you design your merchandise yourself. There are lots of decentralized marketplaces out there: you might know OpenBazaar and Decentraland, for example. Some sell regular goods for crypto, others only sell virtual objects — NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. The beauty of NFTs is that each of them has its own unique digital identity, and the owner’s property rights are recorded on the blockchain. The problem with non-fungible tokens is that they are, well, virtual! You can’t touch them, you can’t easily show them to your friends — in short, owning a digital object isn’t as fun as owning a real item. That’s why MerchDAO will focus on real, physical merchandise — AND combine it with the NFT technology. A non-fungible token will be issued for every item in the marketplace, authenticating the property rights of whoever buys the item.