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Micah Johnson is Former Major League Baseball player turned artist. Micah Johnson’s ‘sä-v(ə-)rən-tē is one of the first programmable artworks that synthesize artistic expression and call to action through his symbolic advocacy of two boys, Jacque and Rayden. A testament to the power of programmable art, the artwork documents two boys and allows its viewers to directly contribute to their cause. At first glance, ‘sä-v(ə-)rən-tē is simple in its presentation: an astronaut stands on one side of an aged white door across from two boys, Jacque and Rayden, in a field. Every year on the boys’ respective birthdays, a Layer change reveals what each brother wants to be when they grow up along with a bitcoin wallet that anyone can contribute to. This symbolizes the boys’ opportunities to achieve their dreams, the door in the center opening further outward each year.

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