Mind AI is an artificial intelligence engine and an ecosystem that was created to offer an entirely new approach to AI. Rather than building an architecture that requires parallel processing, supercomputers, and large amounts of data, we built its core reasoning engine based on an internationally patented, completely new data structures that we call canonicals. Though Deep Learning has taken the field of AI into a new state, its narrowness limits today's AI from being truly intelligent. Mind will be able to learn autonomously in real-time, generalize, and be able to reason abstractly through natural language. This will be the beginning of the Third Wave of AI, and another step forward in the path to artificial general intelligence. Mind will eventually be able to construct models that will explain how the world works through what we call Metatheoretics, or the theory of theories. As Mind continually learns, it's able to contextualize every piece of information. This way, Mind can generalize and even apply its knowledge across different domains to create novel models to solve problems in ways that humans have never thought of doing. We plan to open-source the Mind engine so that it will be readily accessible to the global development community. Just as the Second Wave of AI required data scientists, the Third Wave of AI requires morals and ethics. This is why we have decided to open-source Mind and allow the global community to partake in its growth. Today, the richest corporations and nations are in an arms race to develop the best AI for their own self interests. This will be detrimental to the masses. Our mission is to return the power of AI to the people and democratize this tool that can help humanity solve the most pressing issues.