A shrewdly curated and diversified portfolio of cryptocurrencies by owning a single token. OptiToken will be traded on major exchanges. The first hyperdeflationary cryptocurrency. Optitoken is a hyperdeflationary cryptocurrency, fueled by a 24/7 algorithmic trading portfolio of manually selected cryptocurrencies. The algorithm takes advantage of price swings among a select group of tokens, known as "The Basket," made up of a variable number of coins deemed statistically or categorically undervalued. Optitoken's trademark strategies of Buy Pressure and Strategic Scarcity create perfect conditions for price appreciation. As our algorithm trades automatically between the basket of tokens, a portion of the profits created will be used to buy OptiToken on the market, thus providing upward price pressure. Afterwards, the tokens will be sent to an unspendable address to be destroyed, creating scarcity. The effect of this strategy is to nurture a market that has very strong buy support and solves a common problem of new ICO’s that can't find any volume. This strategy means Optitoken can grow even in bear markets, as proved by the live portfolio on our site.