Paolo Fragomeni

Computer science, Reverse engineering, Systems, P2P, Web Stack, Curator of DTN Conf. I don't use Javascript frameworks, so React appeals to me. I like how it organizes ideas. I like its top-down, one-way flow of data. But I also think some of its usefulness is debatable. It has a big island of tooling that's going in a very different direction than the rest of the web. Like Coffeescript or jQuery, in 5 years it will probably inspire standards bodies with its best features. I also like Web Components, they're great because they offer true, native encapsulation — no hacks. They are mostly the result of consensus among the web's working groups. But they're awkward, and already feel outdated. They also only work well in Chrome. I'd like to introduce Tonic. It's about 150 lines of code. It combines some of the goals and ideas of React and Web Components. It works in all browsers. Its intented to provide the minimum of what is needed to organize application code, the flow of data and accommodate component based architecture.