Paul Walsh

Paul Walsh is CEO of MetaCert. Identity & Anti-Fraud Protection. I'm building a cyber security company called MetaCert where our unique solution makes it virtually impossible for people to fall for a phishing scam - thereby reducing the risk of data breaches. I see a world where everyone is safe opening links. Phishing is responsible for 90% of all data breaches so it's an important mission that I'm very passionate about. I was the first person to re-write Tim Berner-Lee's vision of the "One Web" when I co-founded the W3C Mobile Web Initiative in 2005, and was tasked with helping to start one of the first specifications. I co-instigated the creation of the W3C Standard for URL Classification/Content Labeling in 2004, and I was one of the first invited to join the W3C Semantic Web Education & Outreach program. I started a software testing company called Segala in 2003. It was the first test house to become an Associate member of the GSMA. It was also one of the first companies in the world to test the iPhone as well as almost all data products between 2003 and 2009 - including SMS voting systems used by Big Brother, I'm a Celebrity and more. Previously I was part of the team that helped to launch technologies such as AIM, Internet Radio, Online Games and X2 56K Modem Protocol while working at AOL during the 90's. I own an Indian restaurant in Ireland - it has had Michelin Star for 10+ years. Irish, spent 12 years in the UK, and 8 years in the Bay Area before moving to Vancouver. Father. Wine Drinker. Advanced Open Water Diver, Snowboarder, Skydiver Wannabe. Seasoned Traveller.