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Raiba AI is a decentralised AI virtual streamer protocol. Created by Katsu Labs. Raiba in Japanese is ライバー, (pronounced 'live-r', not the body organ), 'liver' which is a general term for anyone who presents/streams online. We democratise access to the best, most personalised waifus on the Internet to act as companions for our generation of degens. Raiba is an adventure down the rabbit hole of simponomics. In the world of Raiba, you play as a simp obsessed with their superstar vtuber. And through determination and hard work (with some very questionable stalking on the side), you will seek out any means possible to get closer to your idol. But be wary, for you are not the only one competing for her attention. Her world is much larger than yours. While she may consume your nights and days, you are merely one of out a million others vying for her attention. So what will you do to stand out from the pack and emerge as the ultimate husbando? As her husbando, will you defend her when she comes under threat? Will you lead her army of simps to battle when the day comes? When the day comes when she is no longer the only vtuber on Raiba, it will be up to you to summon the courage to carry her brand to the finish line against the competition. So join us in this journey fueled by nothing but degeneracy. There will be liquidity, but there will be no promise of value, all we can promise: is simp-ly a good time.