
SithSwap is a next-gen AMM on StarkNet, featuring instant volatile and stable swaps with ultra-low slippage and fees (initially gasless) while inheriting the full security of Ethereum. SithSwap native­ly sup­ports pool gau­ges, third-party bribes and SITH rewards that can be vote-escrowed (locked) in ex­change for vot­ing power, in the form of fully tradable veSITH tokens, used to capture and direct fu­ture protocol emis­sions.

Etienne Royole
Etienne Royole
Advisor at DeFi Pulse.
DWeb3 Capital
DWeb3 Capital
Focused on digital assets related to Decentralized Finance, WEB 3.0 and NFT.
Big Brain Holdings
Big Brain Holdings
Invest in Seed, Pre-Seed and Early Stage Startups.
Anthony Beaumont
Anthony Beaumont
Co-Founder at Encode Club.
Liquidity provider for complex digital assets.
Advisory and investment in the blockchain space.

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