
Sonic is new layer-1 chain with a native layer-2 bridge connected to Ethereum. Designed by Professor Bernhard Scholz, one of the world’s foremost experts on virtual machine development, and his team, and led by DeFi pioneer Andre Cronje, the Sonic chain is a new layer-1 chain with a native layer-2 bridge connected to Ethereum. The Sonic chain will be a layer-1 platform that connects to Ethereum via a bespoke layer-2 bridge, allowing Sonic to tap into vast amounts of liquidity, users, and protocols. This allows the network to combine the low cost, scalability, and speed of a layer 1 with the security of a layer-2 bridge for access to native ETH and other assets on Ethereum. As a result, the Sonic chain isn’t just an L1 or L2 — it’s the first chain of its kind to provide the best of both.