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StablR is the hub between TradFi, CeFi and DeFi - Easily moving your funds with the world's most trusted Euro stablecoin EURR! We offer DeFi Liquidity solutions that give easy access to fully backed digital assets for institutional investors worldwide. StablR is a global financial technology company that enables institutional clients of all sizes to utilize the decentralized, open-source and public blockchain economy for financial applications like earning yield, trading and payments with stable digital assets. We issue a Euro stablecoin, EURR, that is 100% backed by its fiat equivalent. Our solutions include the ramping of fiat to crypto and back, a fully compliant KYB process and management & reporting over your balances and earnings. StablR’s services are multichain applicable as we believe in a world where clients can transact frictionless within the decentralized Web 3.0 ecosystem.