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Stephanie Gilbert is Operations Manager at Coin Metrics. The Experiential Network is a Northeastern University initiative which seeks to match organizations and their project-based work needs with our students who are equipped to tackle these projects within flexible engagement structures. I help to establish opportunities to collaborate with our students on short-term projects, variable length internships, full-time co-ops, and everything in between. Sponsors move forward on project-based work and connect with rising professional talent while students, with skill-sets in commerce and economic development, financial management, accounting management, digital media, communications, corporate and organizational communication, technical communications, sports leadership, leadership, human service, human resource management, and more, gain authentic work experience and valuable learning opportunities. I work directly with partners to scope these collaborative opportunities and my team works with Northeastern faculty members to embed project work directly into their course curricula. Assessments on both the academic (student/faculty member) and employer side throughout the collaboration provide valuable data on skill requirements, areas for improvement, and the mentorship structure, which in turn informs Northeastern's academic programs on industry alignment margins and the value of experiential learning.