Steve Mieskoski

Steve Mieskoski is the Full-Stack Developer at MyEtherWallet. While I am strongest with javascript, I prefer strongly typed structure to the loosely typed structure of either javascript or python, and believe this will continue as I gain proficiency in additional languages. That being said choosing the right tool for the job is essential. So, with that in mind I choose python when it comes to analysis, java for the desktop or stability, and javascript for the web and niche applications based upon the expansive open source options. As the strengths, weaknesses, and offerings vary within any language, the various frameworks, libraries, and associated communities available within a language must also come under consideration. In combination with additional considerations such as choosing a NoSQL, a traditional RSDB, or some other offering. Each having its use depending on usage requirements and restrictions. For example if concurrent operations could endanger data integrity, an ACID compliant RSDB beats a NoSQL which may only use a best effort approach. I am personally interested in data science generally, and more specifically the realm of machine learning. Further, I am also strongly interested in economics and finance. In addition to physics, the field of my degree. In general I am interested in areas of logical analysis which also happen to contain significant challenges. Ultimately my interest in drawn toward these challenges whether fundamental or implementation. The joy of finding a solution never gets old. Beyond coding, computing, and the like I enjoy biking, skiing, and good old backyard fun. I am generally candid except when circumstances require otherwise, and in those cases I otherwise provided the necessary circumspect presentation. And while I am candid and generally jovial, I am also quite serious, and not just when required but always when it comes to the project, task, and ultimately the final work product.