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The First Mint is what happens when NFT experts and enthusiasts come together. We’re passionate day-one adopters of NBA Top Shot with the data chops to back up our analysis, an interest in turning raw numbers into stories, and a willingness to share with the community. With a popular podcast, weekly YouTube live streams, and guest appearances from NBA stars and NFT whales, the First Mint is for everyone—from basketball fans to crypto hodlers to that guy who’s still struggling to pronounce the word fungible. We cover investors, collectors, and everyone in between because… we’re also investors, collectors, and everything in between. Founded by Luc Doucet, The First Mint has evolved from a team of one to a growing roster of basketball junkies, data analysts, crypto lifers, Top Shot insiders, and people who love spending hours on Discord. We believe the world of NFTs is much bigger than basketball, and we’re here to take you down the rabbit hole.