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The Vara Network is a stand-alone layer-1 decentralized network built and running on top of Gear Protocol. Gear Protocol is a Substrate-based smart-contract platform that enables anyone to develop and run a dApp in Vara Network as well as other networks powered by the Gear Protocol’s runtime and technology. The fast and scalable non-fork upgradable Vara Network enables the best playground for next-gen Gaming, Financial-based applications, experimental features but not only. Any other modern use cases are perfectly suited for running on Vara. Building on Vara Network is ideal for both developers already in Web3 as well as those migrating from Web2 seeking the most secure, efficient, scalable environment for deploying their decentralized applications. Many next-generation apps, like gaming and payments, require low latency execution. The Vara standalone network will provide the fastest on-ramp for these applications and will unlock new potential applications.