Weirdo Ghost Gang's logo

Weirdo Ghost Gang, affectionately known as "Lil Ghost", is a Web3 native IP incubated by ManesLAB. Having a storied background in pioneering aesthetics, a free-spirited community culture, and diverse development trajectories, Weirdo Ghost Gang has captivated collectors, artists, and musicians worldwide. Embodying Web3's free, open, innovative, and inclusive lifestyle, Weirdo Ghost Gang amplifies creative content and operations to inspire. Their unwavering essence is to "OUTA THE BOX, BE A WEIRDO". As an unignorable force in the Web3 realm, Weirdo Ghost Gang will persistently fortify their IP while cultivating community, products, street culture, fashion, arts, and more, sharing their unique attitude and core values globally. They are dedicated to fostering the ongoing integration of Web2 scenarios and Web3 ecosystems.