XRP Community Fund

Over 90 exchanges were tested by some of the XRP Community members. The XRPL implementation (different transaction types) were tested, and results were sent to the exchanges. Some exchanges decided to reward the community for their efforts. We (the testing community members) decided to use the bounties to start the XRP Community Fund. The XRP Community Fund will be used to support the development of tools / apps / integrations / plugins that make it easier to use XRP for (consumer/small business) payments. We also hope to attract more developers to the community. Bounties will be available for developers working on tools requested over a longer period of time by the XRP Community. Ideas will be carefully selected. They need to be doable within a decent amount of time, target a great audience, and ideally have a decent amount of votes (not the highest per se). After selection, the Community Fund voting committee (work in progress) will consult with the Community Fund tech. advisors to make a list of requirements. Only if they are met, the bounty will be released (by a MultiSigned transaction by the voting committee).