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Secure the future of access. Today’s consumers expect flexible, on-demand products and services while demanding the highest standards of data protection and security. YPTOKEY’s decentralised network provides your users with secure and autonomous digital access that's as easy to share as it is to use. With just their mobile device, individuals can access privately-owned or shared vehicles, buildings and more – streamlining the service economy without requiring a centralised authority in control of personal data. Prepare your business for the future of access by integrating our fast, scalable and low-energy digital infrastructure and participate securely in cross-industry innovation. YPTOKEY’s decentralised network opens the access highway to enable the uniquely tailored offerings that consumers are coming to expect in a service-oriented and user-centric world. With a simple validation process and a secured collaborative network powered by the Blockchain, the possibilities for complementary products and services are limitless.