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Yup, curate the web. Your Opinion Matters. Curate The Web. Earn and Influence. Build influence & earn money for likes and ratings across the web. Yup is a network that rewards you for good opinions. By doing so, it creates a social consensus layer for the internet, accurately representing the agreed-upon social value of anything, from random Tweets to your history professor. It does this by interacting with the Yup Protocol, which is a decentralized semi-autonomous social consensus protocol that determines the rewards and social value of all content based on users' interactions with it. The best way to use Yup is through the Yup Web Extension, a browser plug-in that allows you to vote on any site or piece of content across the web. It also stores your money and displays the social value of everything in a color coded scheme.

PTC Crypto
PTC Crypto
Thesis driven venture fund for the Crypto Creator Economy.
Bill Block
Bill Block
CEO at Miramax.
Ambush Capital
Ambush Capital
Founders, backing founders.
Alex Gausman
Alex Gausman
Founder of NFTX.
Patrick Rivera
Patrick Rivera
Product Engineer at Mirror.xyz.
Danny Zuckerman
Danny Zuckerman
Founder of 3Box.

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