
With Zerynth you can program in Python or hybrid C/Python the most popular 32-bit microcontrollers, and connect them to the top Cloud and IoT services. The Internet of Things revolution contributed to boosting the features of embedded hardware technologies, making it possible to create connected solutions with high performance and low cost. However, the software barriers to entry into this new technological environment were still high. As the need for embedded programming to support the latest IoT designs grown, companies and developers were (and still are) challenged identifying the right software solutions to bring IoT to life. This is not a new dynamic for the ICT sector. Years ago, developing a mobile app required highly talented programmers with in-depth knowledge of the specific hardware. As Android™ abstracted the specific mobile phones’ proprietary architectures and reduced complexity, it made possible for a massive crowd of developers to create universally adaptable apps. Reducing the complexity and increasing the value of innovative and connected IoT solutions is our mission. We work with embedded developers, web developers, product designers, and IoT system integrators, providing Zerynth, a complete set of high-quality development tools to program microcontrollers and develop IoT solutions using Python. We kicked things off in 2015 with a successful Kickstarter campaign that got supported by over 400 backers from 25 countries around the world. Today, Zerynth has thousands of satisfied users that create applications in market sectors where IoT plays the leading role. It is safe to say that we are on our way to becoming the Android™ of the Embedded world.