Zone Network

Zone (formerely Appzone) is a regulated blockchain network that enables payments and acceptance of digital currencies. We are on a mission to connect every monetary store of value using blockchain and create one global network to pay anyone through any means and in any currency. APIs, network gateways, payment rails, integrations, and plugins make it even easier to build your application on the world’s first sovereign blockchain, Zone. Be part of our community of world-class developers connecting and building on Africa’s first layer-1 blockchain network. It is a regulated blockchain network that enables payments and acceptance of digital currencies. Its Layer-1 Blockchain network digitises Fiat payments and enables the transition to digital currencies while connecting previously excluded financial institutions into an all-inclusive payment ecosystem. Zone, Africa's first decentralised payment network, allows participating institutions to connect directly with each other and perform payment transactions without an intermediary while completely automating settlement, reconciliation, and dispute management. The Company is working with the brightest minds on the continent to lay the foundation for the decentralised future of financial services. Its mission is to connect every monetary store of value by harnessing the power of blockchain.