
Ambire, formerly AdEx. Decentralized AD network. AdEx is a decentralized ad serving network based on blockchain and smart contracts technology. We created and grew a decentralized ad network from scratch. We launched the AdEx staking portal and reinvented the ADX tokenomics. We rolled out a private beta of the AdEx Wallet. We carried out a number of major upgrades to our smart contracts. With this rebranding, AdEx Network will soon become Ambire. This name change will affect all of our products: instead of the AdEx Network ad platform, we will be talking about Ambire AdEx, and AdEx Wallet will become Ambire Wallet. “Ambire” is an Italian verb that means “to aspire, aim, strive”. And that’s what we do. If you’ve noticed a resemblance to the word “ambition” - you are right; they both come from Latin and are derived from the same word. It also rhymes with fire, hence the logo.