Andre Vitor de Lima Matos

André Vitor de Lima Matos is Blockchain Engineer at brainbot technologies AG. Computer engineer by University of Campinas - Unicamp, one of the most recognized universities in Information Technology in Latin America, I've always been fascinated by technology and it's applications in the most diverse areas of the human experience, specially computing and it's uses as a tool aiding other sciences and easing communication, processing and storage of all kinds of information. Programming, cryptography and large-scale computational systems were always my interest, self-teaching computer programming since 13 years old and diving on UNIX-like systems altogether. During college (from 2010), worked on research projects on operational system development (more specifically Linux derived), and in applied cryptography for banks. Automation, database development, image processing, machine learning, GUI development, UX and others skills were also required and developed on following projects. Graduated in 2016, while also founding a startup with two other friends, Link Solutions, focused on processing, indexing and long time storage of large amounts of documents in a cloud-based infra-structure, offering services for companies, with special care on privacy and security of sensible data, applying full-stack knowledge as the main developer and maintainer of the infra-structure and architecture. This is, currently, the main project I'm working on, looking to expanding the company's operation to other markets and improving it's main products with the latest and most recognized technologies available.

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