The Apollo project aims to enhance interoperability and liquidity within the Bitcoin and Solana blockchains, adopting a decentralized and permissionless approach on the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM). Facilitating the seamless transfer of BTC liquidity is the primary objective of Apollo, strategically addressing the connectivity gap between the Solana and Bitcoin blockchains. This cross-chain interoperability proves to be pivotal in enabling the frictionless movement of assets and information across diverse blockchain networks. Notably, Apollo transcends the mere conversion of Bitcoin to zuBTC, incorporating a comprehensive DeFi protocol design that leverages zuBTC and the Zeus consensus mechanism. Positioned beyond the conventional concept of a bridge, Apollo functions as a decentralized finance (DeFi) infrastructure dedicated to introducing and managing BTC liquidity within the Solana blockchain ecosystem. The project's foundation rests on the Zeus Consensus, ensuring trustless and decentralized governance through the active participation of verifiers. Comprising the Two-Way Peg (2WP) program, Liquidity Management Program, and Revenue Management Program, Apollo's programmatic framework is strategically implemented atop the Solana Virtual Machine, contributing to the overall functionality and success of the project.