New Vector

We believe that the future of the internet should be open and decentralized, that previously siloed communications platforms should be interoperable and that individuals should control their own data and choose who they share it with. Almost all of the software written at New Vector is open source. Everything you do will be out in the open, you will be supported not only by your colleagues, but also by a huge community just as passionate about the project as you are. We are building massively scalable decentralized infrastructure, that can be deployed in a distributed manner across 1000s of servers, or equally be deployed to a single Raspberry Pi. Our products are for everyone and we know we cannot succeed without a diverse team. Our hiring process is designed to be humane and give candidates the best possible chance to show us what they can do. If we ever fall down on this, please let us know. People tend to stay with the company for a long time, we take this a sign that we have a cohesive supportive culture, that we have engaging challenging work and that people can develop their skills and careers here for the long term.