Barry E James

Author of ‘New Routes to Funding’, the handbook of modern funding, Crowdfunding & beyond. I write, educate and advise on Fintech and Blockchain innovation, regulation and transparency. I contribute the weekly Token Intelligence column to CityAM and am a regular contributor and media commentator elsewhere including the FT, The Times, BBC, Crowdfund Insider, and Bankless Times, writing on topics around Blockchain, ICOs, Crowdfunding and the Token Economy, Fintech, Funding and Finance. A pioneer of crowdfunding and ICO eco-systems, I am an advisor to the British Blockchain Association and founded The Crowdfunding Centre, Token Intelligence and I conceived and was first to advocate creation of the UK FCA’s ‘Innovation Unit’, resulting in the first regulatory ‘Sandbox’, now emulated internationally. I created and chair Crowdfunding:Deep Impact, the UK's first annual conference on the subject and founded TheCrowdDataCenter. I'm a Visiting Fellow at The University of Portsmouth Business School and work with leading UK & US Universities on Crowdfunding and Entrepreneurship research.

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