BXB Capital

BXB Capital applies a comprehensive strategy, relying on the fundamental principle of investing: diversification. We strive for consistent returns, while reducing capital risk exposure. Diversification is the backbone of the financial world. It’s not a secret, it’s just a fundamental principle that guides our every action. We apply this not only to our investment approach, but also our company structure. We believe in building a well balanced team, with a diverse skill set that gives us the ability to evaluate the investment opportunities presented. Investing with intelligence is our premier guiding principle. It comes from understanding cost of capital, the risk free rate, and the average market return. A structured approach with a portfolio balanced between proprietary trading, investing and venture building is our recipe for stable growth and success. BXB Capital Quant Fund, The primary object of our fund is to achieve a pure alpha return within the cryptocurrency and traditional futures markets through a long-short, algorithmically traded investment strategy. We are not an index fund and we are not content with passively riding the market up- and down-swings. Our in-house strategies are derived from our team’s experience, history and proven track record in developing and executing proprietary trading algorithms in the securities and commodities markets. Guiding the decision making process is a multitude of technical indicators and other proprietary factors; however, we modify our fundamental analysis to better fit the macro perspective of the cryptocurrency market.