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Core Contributor of EthHub. President of The Cryptocurrency Club@OSU. Research analyst for Ready Set Crypto. I am passionate about teaching the world about blockchain technology. I was always into computers and economics so when I began to get involved in the blockchain / cryptocurrency community in late 2015 everything seemed to fall into place. My curiosity for this cutting edge tech always gets the best of me and I can't stop thinking about it. My combined experience with technology, customer service, and writing puts me in a unique position to bridge the gap between the highly complex world of blockchain / cryptocurrency and the average joe. I often joke that the only reason I founded The Cryptocurrency Club at The Ohio State University was because I had already taught all my roommates about blockchain and cryptocurrency and I needed a new audience to rant to. In conclusion, I'm passionate about the future of blockchain and the benefits it can bring the world. I live for that moment when I'm explaining a concept to someone and I can see in their eyes that something has clicked in their mind and they finally understand. I'm always eager to answer a quick question or even give you a full crash course. I regularly tell people, "There are no 'dumb' questions. No one is born knowing blockchain."