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Daniel Weinberg is the CEO of Kenetic, a blockchain firm committed to expanding the development and adoption of blockchain platforms through investments, advisory services, community and technology. Prior to joining Kenetic, he was a Senior Partner and head of corporate strategy for Optiver, Asia Pacific, a global trading company with offices in Amsterdam, Sydney, Shanghai and Chicago. Optiver is an electronic market-maker and participant on major options, futures and stock exchanges, including the Japan Exchange, Hong Kong Exchange, Eurex and the CME. Optiver’s primary trading activities are screen-based, utilizing resources and technology that are developed entirely in-house. Daniel was the primary liaison between the firm and all financial industry contacts, representing the firm to exchanges, investment banks, vendors and industry groups. He remains an advisor to Optiver. Daniel is a member of the Derivatives Advisory Committee for the Hong Kong Exchanges (HKEX), Singapore Exchange (SGX) and the Korea Exchange (KRX). In addition to his roles at Kenetic and Optiver, Daniel advises a number of companies across a broad spectrum of industries and non-profits. Daniel has a Masters of Commerce from UNSW and completed an Executive Management course at Harvard Business School.

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