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DEX Terminal displays activity related to decentralized finance and decentralized exchange. Our mission is to build the world's best website for staying up to date on changes in the decentralized financial markets. The original inspiration for this was thinking “what would the Bloomberg Terminal for Ethereum look like?” The Bloomberg Terminal is what global banks and others use to visualize and trade in all the world’s financial markets. Now that any financial asset can be modeled on Ethereum, anyone can create a Bloomberg Terminal for Ethereum. A variety of protocols have been developed to create financial instruments as well as trustlessly transfer and exchange them. For example, Dharma has programmed contracts to create debt instruments and Compound has created contracts for money markets. These projects and others represent financial primitives because they model the most basic kinds of financial agreements. Most of the protocols displayed on DEX Terminal are simply a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. In some cases there is an off-chain component to the data displayed. For example, asset price information and order book data is typically sourced from third parties. DEX Terminal is currently read-only. In the future once regulatory rules around decentralized exchanges are clarified, DEX Terminal will allow users to enter into agreements on chain from user-custody wallets, like MetaMask.