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Dongsam Byun is CTO at B-Harvest, Blockchain Engineer, Blockchain Technical Advisor. -Building, managing and optimizing for Cosmos validator(DPoS) node system, Reliability Engineering -Cosmos, Terra, IRIS, Kava, Comdex, Solana, Polkadot, IDEX, etc Validator ( moniker: B-Harvest ) -Contributing Cosmos-SDK, Tendermint open source and Customizing for analysis, validation -Development and Consulting, Auditing of Blockchains Based on Cosmos-SDK and Tendermint -Cosmos Berlin Hackatom 2019, Honorable Mention, dDex: decentralized Delegation Exchange -Cosmos Seoul Hackatom 2019, Speaker, Database, Statistics, and Data Mining in dPoS Blockchain -Ranked Top Tier in Cosmos Game of Stakes (moniker: bharvest) -Designing Tokenized Fund using Smart Contracts