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Elisabeth Oswald is Professor of Cybersecurity at University of Klagenfurt. Applied Cryptographer, Engineer, Badass Professor, Mother, Lover, Gardner, ex-Therapist, Electronic Music Enthusiast... Before that I worked at the University of Bristol where I was the first female to hold a Professorial position in the history of the Computer Science Department at UoB. I was responsible for the scientific organisation of some of Cryptography's major research meetings: Eurocrypt (2x), and CHES (1x). I serve on the editorial board of Cryptography's best journals (JoC, JCEN). I currently run the first and only H2020 funded project on security certification (www.reassure.eu). I am one of a handful of researchers who won a UK funded Leadership Fellowship and an ERC grant. I am passionate about all applied aspects of cryptography. Beyond this I have had a keen interest in helping others, in particular women through the challenges in life. My roles as counsellor and volunteer helpline supporter with https://www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk have also changed my life.

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