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ethereansOS is an OS on top of Ethereum powered by On-Chain Organizations (DFOs), Interoperable Tokens (ITEMs) and a Responsable DeFi Infrastructure (UniFi). Completely on-chain, the Ethereans Operating System is free from gatekeepers. Applications here are ruled by token holders and token holders alone. Decentralized without compromise, they are as secure and independent as Ethereum itself. All ethOS dApps are designed to help coders build on top of them. They have general-purpose cores and are computationally programmable.The current documentation for DFOhub and UniFi is for the ongoing beta stage of development. (not yet ready for adoption), and very difficult to read for humans without at least 10,000 hours spent on solidity coding. The ethItem Documentation, however, can be read by humans now. The upcoming releases of UniFi and On-Chain Organizations will be fully documented for humans.