Eylon Aviv

Eylon Aviv is Principal at Collider Ventures, technology enthusiast, cynical optimist. My goal is to continuously work with individuals who are smarter than me, experts in their field, to build their imagination and help them and myself to be and become the best we can. A creative self-starter with global success in investing, planning, and executing complex systems and widely successful products. I have multi-disciplinary experience ranging from product management and design, high level partnerships and collborations, and strategic marketing and conference presentations. I'm passionate about security, privacy, cryptography and the promise of bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized autonomous organizations. Work with teams who care about decentralization to build the future of finance, governance, and human organization. This generation understands that trusting protocols and technology is better than trusting individuals. If the checks and balances to a system of power are designed for collaboration, known in advance, and agreed by transparent consensus, anyone has the ability to choose their system and if unhappy they can fork and compete. I believe the power of decentralization is to endow individuals into trust-minimized collaborative communities. Community is the smallest and most powerful unit of human interaction.

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