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Gitopia, Providing decentralized, permanent versioned storage of your code repositories. What began as a decentralized solution essential for collaboration and data integrity, is now becoming increasingly centralized and walled off. Centralized Source Code Management Applications hold the keys to our repositories and in turn have the ability, whether maliciously or inadvertently, to corrupt our code. With Gitopia, we have solved this problem by creating a decentralized Source Code Collaboration Platform. You now have the ability to store your code permanently on the blockchain in a decentralized and transparent manner. Recent events (YouTube-dl) show us that censorship can also happen in open-source code. Github is no utopia, and is not the most suitable place to store open-source code. Hence we are building Gitopia. We harness the versioning power of git and the data permanence of Arweave to provide a true utopia for your git repositories, which makes your code resistant to Censorship. Then, it cannot be removed by anyone. We take advantage of git-remote-gitopia git-remote-helper, which helps git client understand the gitopia remote URL gitopia://.