
Hemera Protocol, formerly W3W.ai, is a decentralized account-centric programmable indexing network that enables developers to harness web3 data with ease and unlock the full potential of the ever-growing network of data in web3. Hemera is missioned to “accelerate the advent of data and AI democratization”, and achieves so through building a public goods infrastructure that is decentralized in nature and owned by the community. Hemera Protocol is an account-centric, programmable indexing network designed to unlock the full potential of data networks within web3. The decentralized platform caters to a wide variety of use cases — both simple and complex — including blockchain explorers, on-chain asset portfolios, social graphs, zero-knowledge (ZK) co-processors, community quality auditing, web3 identity verification, and more. Diverse ecosystem participants can benefit from and/or build on top of Hemera.