ICO Check

You can click the ONGOING button to display ICOs that are currently active, the UPCOMING button to display future ICOs, the PAST button to display finished ICOs and the ALL button to display all ICOs: ongoing, upcoming & past. You can also select ongoing and upcoming together to show all active and future initial coin offerings. The ADD COLUMN button lets you select what columns you want to display in the table so you can easily order and compare ICOs based on your preferences. Every ICO column in the list can be displayed in ascending or descending order by clicking the column title. This helps eg. in selecting high or low market cap cryptocurrency ICOs. Columns can be deleted by pressing the x button in the ICO list column header or by removing them from the column list when you click ADD COLUMN. Located in the navbar - upper right of our ICO website is a handy feature to display uniform currencies. As some ICOs are pegged to Ethereum, others to Bitcoin and again others to the US Dollar or EURO, it is often hard to compare ICO market caps and prices. Our currency conversion tool does the trick for you and converts all caps and prices to your prefered currency: Either BTC - Bitcoin, ETH - Ethereum, USD or EURO. We get the conversion data directly from the coinmarketcap API and we update it every 5 minutes. Do you want some other currencies for the conversion? Let us know!