Joel Jabalera

Joel Jabalera is Executive Chairman & Co-Founder at CEO at Bitcoin since 2013. Blockchain Angel since 2017. Building the next social conventions for the next intellectual wave. Blockchain projects specialist. Personal Portfolio: Aethernity - MobileGo - StorjX- FunFair - Sonm - Salt (Seed) - EOS (First round ) - Filecoin ( CoinList) - Kyber - Cindicator - Blockmason - Ripio - AIRswap - Paypie - Etherparty - Request - Rendertoken - Pylon Network (seed) - Zen Protocol - ETH Lend - Wabi - Bloom - STK Token - Props - Zilliqa - Telcoin - Bounty0x - Neuromation - We Power - Bluzelle - Origin trail - Republic Protocol - Fortuna - Zeeping - Trinity - Elastos - Adbank - Insights - Napoleon - Ink Protocol - BlockPort - CPChain - Experty ( seed ) - SyncFab - FuzeX - Consensus - Ethic Hub ( seed) - Current - Zebi - Remme - Shrader - Havven - Les Covex (seed) - Liquidity Network - Frienz - DAOStack - Blockcollider - Phantasma - Lightstreams - Pchain - Ontology - Crypto Curve - Drep Fundation - Harmony - Fantom- LTO Network - Ecomi - Matic - xDAI (angel) - Sushi Swap - Stafi (angel) - Hopr (angel) - Super Farm (angel ,NFTs ) - DAO Maker (angel) - Kylin (angel) - API3 - Public Mint (Angel) - ColdStack (Angel) - Genesis Shards (Angel)- Raze Network (Angel) - PolkaPets ( NFT complete full set ) -Antimatter - PolkaDomain - MOAR Defi (Angel) - Stratos (Angel)- ZKChaos (Angel) - Enso Finance (Angel) - Jenny (NFTs) - Monsta Infinitie - Kilt - Krida Fans - Envoy - NftPlay- 2 Crazy- Concordium - Dfyn - Credmark- Envoy - Symbiosis - Qredo- Unbound Finance - Parallel (NFT game changer with 8 Prime Keys ) - Mizar (seed) - All Art - Seeder - OolongSwap