Look into Bitcoin

This site provides live charts and information using market cycle and on-chain analysis. Designed to give clarity to Bitcoin investors. Look Into Bitcoin provides learning tools for people who are new to Bitcoin, enabling them to understand its market cycles and basic economic ideas, thereby supporting their Bitcoin investing. The site is made up of three main sections: Learning - educational mini-chapters that give those new to Bitcoin investing a deep dive into key concepts around Bitcoin valuation tools. Live Charts - exploratory live data charts that use either market-cycle or on-chain analysis. They give Bitcoin investors simple guidance to identify where Bitcoin is over or undervalued from a historical perspective. Indicator Alerts - linked to relevant valuation tool charts, they allow investors to reconnect to charts at critical times in Bitcoin’s price cycles. Bitcoin is a new asset class, so established valuation models do not exist for it yet. As Bitcoin grows, we are exploring new ways to understand its value proposition from an investment perspective. Look Into Bitcoin makes such exploratory valuation tools publicly available so that anyone can benefit from them.