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Roberto Ignacio Henríquez-Perozo is Human at dOrg, Data Analyst for Web3. Analyst with Python skills and a strong background in marketing and business. Interested in the future of data as a tool to serve easy to read insights dashboards for precise decision making. Constantly learning. On March 2020, during the COVID pandemic, I was sponsored by Student Finance to study IronHack's Data Analytics Bootcamp. Thanks to this opportunity, I've been able to develop complete data pipelines which generate automatic KPI dashboards, PDF reports, and massive emailing solutions, while relying on technologies like: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Flask, Scipy, SciKit-Learn (sklearn), MongoDB, JSON, RESTful APIs, Supervised Machine Learning (Regression), Unsupervised Machine Learning (Clustering), Artificial Intelligence, ARIMA models (Future Prediction and Forecasting). I consider myself a well-rounded individual and a team player. Currently, I'd like to learn even more about Prediction of Time Series, Image Recognition, building dashboards, and also improving my German. Other topics I'm interested in include: Tableau / Power BI, Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning, Image Analysis and Classification, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Apache Spark & Databricks, Pattern Recognition, Web Scrapping, Recommender Systems, MySQL, Docker.