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Rosco Kalis is Software & Blockchain Engineer at Creator of CashScript, truffle-assertions, truffle-plugin-verify. I am a software engineer with a demonstrated background in the real estate industry and the blockchain space. Since early 2018 I have been devoting a significant part of my time on smart contract development and the Ethereum ecosystem, and since 2019 I have been doing the same for Bitcoin Cash. I am a strong advocate of open source software and contributor to open source projects, including popular blogging platform Ghost and multiple projects in the blockchain space. I also authored several popular NPM libraries that get a combined 10k+ monthly downloads and are used in high-profile Ethereum projects such as Kyber, Golem and Gnosis. I maintain a blog at where I share my knowledge on automation, blockchain development, and other tech topics. I am available to speak at conferences about any topics related to Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, blockchain, or software engineering.

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