Shan Aggarwal

Shan Aggarwal is Vice President, Corporate & Business Development, Coinbase Ventures. I run our Corporate Development and Coinbase Venture arms. Broadly speaking, I think about things related to mergers and acquisitions, product strategy, and venture investments in early-stage crypto and fintech startups. Before Coinbase, I had spent a number of years working at a traditional venture firm, called Greycroft, where I mostly focused on early-stage investing and ended up looking at a lot of fintech companies, which ultimately led me to Coinbase. In early 2017, I noticed this movement of smart folks that I knew, either talking about, thinking about, or working in crypto. That really piqued my interest and allowed me to start peeling off the layers of crypto. As I learned more about technology, the forward-looking use-cases that could be enabled by smart contract platforms really got me excited about crypto, and so I ultimately joined Coinbase.