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Slash is a decentralised payment protocol, the full name of which is Slash Web3 Payments, capable of connecting to third party decentralised financial DApps via smart contracts and automating the token conversion process via smart contracts. By deploying this solution on e-commerce and online shopping sites, merchants can accept cryptocurrency payments directly. Cryptocurrency holders can pay for their purchases directly with almost all Token they want. Slash will automatically help merchants and payers convert their tokens, eliminating unnecessary time costs and fees for both parties. The whole transaction can be completed with just a few clicks. At the heart of Slash is a worldwide initiative to replace the part of existing services with Web3 mechanisms. And by replacing the financial part of existing services with Web3 mechanisms, we will be a pioneer in the global Web3 transformation. In the future we also plan to launch a range of unique services, like what blends Slash Web3 Payments and the utility of NFT.