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Sleepless AI (developer of HIM and HER) emerges as a groundbreaking Web3+AI gaming studio, ingeniously blending artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Their mission is to offer unparalleled emotional support and immersive gaming experiences through AI companion games. We hold a steadfast conviction that love is the cornerstone of human society, a timeless subject that remains ever-relevant. As society evolves, there's an apparent paradox of progress leading to increased feelings of isolation, and authentic emotional connections becoming more fragile and rare. Our contemplation has always circled around what, besides history, has the power to immortalize emotions across the sands of time. It is with the advent of AI and blockchain technology that we've discovered this remarkable fusion, making the concept of enduring, unerasable love not just a dream, but a tangible reality. Now, we're excited to present Sleepless AI's flagship virtual boyfriend game - HIM. Embark with us on an enchanting journey into their world, where the opportunity awaits to meet your ideal virtual companion.