
XCloud is a decentralized microservice cloud network powered by XRouter Protocol. It's part of The Blocknet protocol suite. XCloud is a decentralized microservice cloud network powered by XRouter that allows for interaction with microservices, blockchains, APIs, and cloud tech that's hosted by Service Nodes. Developers will be able to put both blockchain and non-blockchain microservices on Blocknet’s “public cloud” decentralized network. This allows applications to run entirely decentralized, opening the door to the possibility of monetizable, fully decentralized applications. XCloud can be used to monetize any service with crypto payments without having to re-code or change anything about those existing applications. A good way to think of XCloud is like a decentralized AWS. CoinMarketCap could be connected in a matter of minutes and allow users to access their API for a fee paid in BLOCK, without requiring any signups or KYC.