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Yaniv Tal has been working in crypto for more than three years. Prior to starting The Graph, Yaniv, Brandon and Carl worked together at Mulesoft (an API developer company acquired by Salesforce) and Co-Founded a developer tooling startup using immutable databases. As co-founder and Project Lead, Yaniv has successfully led the The Graph team and community of Indexers and Curators to get us where we are today. He believes that decentralization will fundamentally transform how humans cooperate and that this will only be possible once a fully decentralized protocol stack is in place; with incentives for allocating talent and resources. He identified that an open data layer that developers and users could collaborate on in a decentralized way was the missing piece to realizing Web3. Yaniv is excited to be part of this decentralization movement to help people achieve their full potential through self-determination and social coordination.