Chan-Ho Suh

Chan-Ho Suh is Solidity Engineer at APY.Finance. Backend developer with 6+ years of experience spanning across structured and unstructured environments, small and large teams, and rigorously tested production code and ad-hoc rapid application development. what I bring to the table: - mature object-oriented thinking: can "do" the patterns but know enough to avoid the complex - idiomatic python: have built large applications and also rapid prototyping/scripting for traders - easily testable and maintainable code: largely a matter of common sense but not everyone has that - quantitative skills: can do college-level math without effort (teaching it will do that) what I've been working on: - new language: Haskell - frontend skills: React, CSS - blockchain: review Bitcoin Core PRs, build Dapps using various Ethereum token standards - g̶y̶m̶:̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶d̶l̶i̶f̶t̶ (gyms closed!) Kettlebell swings and get-ups