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Conductive decodes the secrets of Web2+3 data to give you actionable information for better Web3 marketing and community engagement. Web3 is in its infancy today, with projects reinventing the wheel for basic primitives. Just like early days of the internet, HTML and JS was the building blocks until Wordpress and Shopify elevated the landscape. Conductive’s mission is to build these common primitives and be the cornerstone for Web3 businesses. We aspire to be the indispensable Web3 toolset for marketing, analytics, payments, and more. We're looking for talented engineers to help build on top of our analytics and automation stack: Backend: Python, FastAPI, Django, Golang Frontend: React, Redux, Cypress, Puppeteer Testing: ESLint, Black, Flake8, Pytest Database: PostgresQL, Redis, TimescaleDB, AlloyDB, ksqlDB Devops/Infraops: Kubernetes, Terraform, Airflow, Kafka, Celery, Sentry, Github, GCP suite Design/architecture: Microservices, Event-driven