Cyber Capital

Cyber Capital is an Amsterdam-based fund manager that specialises in cryptocurrency investment. We actively manage a diversified portfolio, consisting of more than fifty different types of these digital tokens. There is a great variety of cryptocurrencies, each developed for different purposes, based on different fundamentals. Cyber Capital thoroughly analyses those fundamentals and invests in cryptocurrencies that have a promising value proposition, providing utility to its users. Innovative developments are moving extremely fast and are constantly gaining more traction. We expect market adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrencies to continue to increase over the coming years. Diversification spreads risk and reduces volatility. Cryptocurrencies are non-correlated with traditional asset classes, providing diversification and optimising the risk reward ratio of any investment portfolio. Contrary to many asset classes, cryptocurrencies can be traded at any moment in time. The market never closes. This high degree of liquidity makes an investment in cryptocurrency highly flexible. During times of economic crisis and uncertainty cryptocurrencies tend to thrive. As an independent store of value cryptocurrencies can act as a good hedge against fiat currency devaluation.